
is caused by Salmonella Learn more about is caused by Salmonella

  • Prevention and control measures of chicken typhoid

    Prevention and control measures of chicken typhoid

    Prevention and control measures of chicken typhoid

  • Prevention and control of white dysentery in farmed partridges

    Prevention and control of white dysentery in farmed partridges

    White dysentery is caused by Salmonella pullorum, which poses the greatest threat to young partridges within one week of age, with a mortality rate of more than 85%, or even the whole population. The disease of adult partridges will be better. The later the onset, the greater the hope of cure, but the disease will seriously affect the partridge.

    2020-11-08 Breeding partridges pullorum disease prevention and control is caused by Salmonella
  • Can egg whites be eaten raw?

    Can egg whites be eaten raw?

    Egg is one of the most familiar foods, it is rich in protein, contains a variety of essential amino acids, nutrition is more easily absorbed by the human body. Many people follow the trend of eating eggs because they believe that eating eggs raw has higher nutritional value. There are some people.

    2020-11-11 Chicken egg white can be eaten raw Mo eggs yes we are most familiar with
  • The cause and solution of the crooked neck of the pigeon

    The cause and solution of the crooked neck of the pigeon

    The cause and solution of the crooked neck of the pigeon

  • Prevention and treatment of mink disease: salmonellosis of raccoon dog

    Prevention and treatment of mink disease: salmonellosis of raccoon dog

    The disease is a disease of raccoon dogs caused by salmonella. 1. The original pathogen of the disease is Salmonella, mainly Salmonella enteritis. 2. Epidemic characteristics the disease has obvious seasonality, which usually occurs from June to August, showing an endemic epidemic, mainly affecting 1-2-month-old raccoon dogs. 3. The latent period of clinical symptoms is 3-20 days. (1) Acute type: the sick raccoon dog refuses to eat, the body temperature rises, and most of the sick minks lie in the small room, arching their back when walking.

  • Rabbit salmonellosis

    Rabbit salmonellosis

    Caused by Salmonella typhimurium and Salmonella enteritis, it mainly affects pregnant rabbits, characterized by septicemia, acute death, diarrhea and abortion, and mainly affects rabbits over 25 days old of pregnancy. The latent period of symptoms was 1-3 days, and the acute cases died suddenly without any symptoms. Most of the diseased rabbits had diarrhea, elevated body temperature, depression, loss of appetite, increased thirst and weight loss, and viscous and purulent secretions were excreted from the vagina of female rabbits. The diseased liver has a diffuse or scattered necrotic focus the size of a yellow needle, and the gallbladder is dilated.

  • Control measures of sheep salmonellosis

    Control measures of sheep salmonellosis

    Control measures of sheep salmonellosis

  • Fox salmonellosis

    Fox salmonellosis

    Salmonellosis, also known as paratyphoid fever, is a common disease in young foxes and birds. The infection of young foxes is caused by acute process, fever, dysentery, rapid weight loss, significant enlargement of spleen and local epidemic of liver variation. Pathogen: the pathogen is Brevibacterium, one to three microns long and 0 wide. 5-0. 6 microns, blunt round at both ends, no capsule and spores, flagellum, motile, Gram-negative bacteria. This strain can grow in variable medium and is both aerobic and anaerobic. In broth culture medium

  • How to treat pigeon diarrhea? What medicine does homing pigeon water take?

    How to treat pigeon diarrhea? What medicine does homing pigeon water take?

    There are many cases of pigeon diarrhea, treatment methods need to choose appropriate prevention and treatment methods and drugs. Pigeon droppings are normally small and hard, with a little white on it. If there are phenomena such as watery stool, loose stool, etc., it will be unhealthy. Carrier pigeon disease

    2020-11-11 Pigeon diarrhea how treatment homing pigeon water stool eat what medicine
  • Treatment of salpingitis in laying hens

    Treatment of salpingitis in laying hens

    A lot of people are not very strange to layer salpingitis, can layer also get salpingitis? In fact, professional farmers are very familiar with this disease, because it is a common disease of chickens, which is easy to occur during the peak period of egg production, and is one of the frequently-occurring diseases that threaten the healthy development of the chicken industry.

    2020-11-08 Layer fallopian tube inflammation treatment good many people isn't it?
  • Which chicken diseases can be treated with pomegranate peel? A secret recipe for raising chickens that should not be missed by chicken farmers.

    Which chicken diseases can be treated with pomegranate peel? A secret recipe for raising chickens that should not be missed by chicken farmers.

    Autumn pomegranate on the market, this time is a good time to eat pomegranate, pomegranate refreshing sweet and juicy, many people like to eat. When it comes to eating pomegranates, we know that they only eat pomegranate seed meat, and most of the pomegranate skins are thrown away directly. But actually the pomegranate skin.

  • chicken typhoid

    chicken typhoid

    Chicken typhoid fever is a septic infectious disease occurring in adult chickens and young chickens. It is characterized by pathological changes and diarrhea in liver, spleen and other solid organs. The disease is caused by Salmonella typhi. [Symptoms] It mainly occurs in young chickens and adult chickens over 3 weeks of age. The symptoms of sick chickens are listlessness, loose feathers, drooping head and no food. The more characteristic symptoms are diarrhea, pale yellow to green loose feces, sticky feathers around the anus, frequent drinking, and penguin-like standing posture in the case of peritonitis. Chronic disease chicken xiao

  • Diagnosis and treatment of Porcine Respiratory Disease Syndrome

    Diagnosis and treatment of Porcine Respiratory Disease Syndrome

    Porcine respiratory syndrome is a highly pathogenic infectious disease mainly caused by respiratory symptoms and pathological changes caused by a variety of viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms. Primary infections may include PRRSV, PCV-II, PRV, SIV, HCV, pathogens of porcine infectious atrophic rhinitis and mycoplasma, while secondary infections may include Streptococcus, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Haemophilus parasuis, Eperythrozoon, Salmonella and so on.

  • Polypeptides are commonly used as antibiotics in geese

    Polypeptides are commonly used as antibiotics in geese

    Source and character of polymyxin: this product is extracted from the culture medium of polymyxobacterium. There are five components A, B, C, D and E, which belong to polypeptides with similar basic chemical structure. the clinical applications are mainly polymyxin B and E. Its sulfate is white or yellowish powder and is soluble in water. Function and use: this product has strong antibacterial effect on Gram-negative bacteria, low concentration bacteriostasis, high concentration sterilization, and high efficiency against Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Shigella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pasteurella multocida.

  • How to keep a pet chicken

    How to keep a pet chicken

    Chicken has been a kind of artificially fed poultry since ancient times, and its main function is to eat and lay eggs, but now some people also raise pet chickens, so how to keep pet chickens? 1. The living habits of chickens the chicken is a kind of poultry of the pheasant family and the original pheasant genus, which comes from the wild origin.

    2020-11-11 Pet chicken how raise since ancient times is a kind of artificial
  • Chicken water sample stool, white, what disease is it?

    Chicken water sample stool, white, what disease is it?

    According to your description, it may be chicken pullorum, which is an infectious disease caused by Salmonella pullorum. After infection, newborn chicks show mental malaise, fear of cold, dozing, not eating, dyspnea, anus is often blocked by white paste feces, defecation is difficult, if not timely treatment, most die within 2 weeks. The recovered chicks were transformed into bacteria-carrying chickens. Adult chickens often have recessive infection and generally have no clinical symptoms. Hens only have few or no eggs, the eggs are shrunk, the contents are greasy, seriously turn into light cyan or lead black, and sometimes yolk peritonitis occurs.

  • Pleasant sleep chills appetite waste diarrhea early spring piglets need to prevent paratyphoid fever

    Pleasant sleep chills appetite waste diarrhea early spring piglets need to prevent paratyphoid fever

    Pleasant sleep chills appetite waste diarrhea early spring piglets need to prevent paratyphoid fever

  • Etiological Analysis of Chicken Encephalopathy

    Etiological Analysis of Chicken Encephalopathy

    Chicken encephalopathy refers to the disease caused by the invasion of chicken brain tissue. The main manifestations are a variety of neurological symptoms, such as head and neck tremor, movement disorder, wing and leg paralysis, crooked neck, rotation and so on. The causes of the disease are varied, including bacterial, viral, metabolic, toxic and so on. Caused by E. coli invading brain tissue. Autopsy showed large grayish-white necrosis and depression of beans in the posterior part of the cerebral hemisphere. Clinical symptoms can be seen head and neck tremor, standing instability and so on. Aseptic at diagnosis

  • Garlic in the prevention and treatment of pig disease wonderful use, the original pig disease with garlic can be cured

    Garlic in the prevention and treatment of pig disease wonderful use, the original pig disease with garlic can be cured

    Garlic in the prevention and treatment of pig disease wonderful use, the original pig disease with garlic can be cured

  • Garlic has a good effect on the prevention and treatment of white dysentery in chickens.

    Garlic has a good effect on the prevention and treatment of white dysentery in chickens.

    Chicken pullorum disease is an acute infectious disease caused by Salmonella pullorum. Chicks are characterized by white paste sparse feces, which often cause a large number of deaths if not treated in time. In recent years, we tried garlic to prevent and cure pullorum disease in chicks. A total of 83600 chicks were prevented, with an effective protection rate of more than 96%. 6227 diseased chicks were treated and 5918 were cured, with a cure rate of 95%. 1. Treatment method 1. Choose locally produced purple garlic, peel off the skin, mash and mix it, and feed it with 05Mel 1g for each sick chick.
